Not the same Sunday in Florence!


This supposed to be just a blog post about a happy day in my own city Florence. Unfortunately after the terrible things that happened in the Center of Italy, and I am talking about the human loss and terrible disasters that hit my beautiful country caused by earthquakes, is very hard to act normal. Nothing will be the same. I feel so deeply said about this.

My Sunday also won’t be the same Sunday. When I’ll put the first steps into the church my mind will fly to “them”.

My prayers will go to all the families that lost their loved ones, their belongings and their homes.

The following link gives you info regarding possibility of giving a hand in case you feel into doing it. I hope we all do something!


************ This few following words were written before all this happened. Have no sense now 🙁 ***************

So happy to share this photos of my last Sunday in Florence just before my vacation.

Of course the day started with me going to the church. I am blessed my both parents taught me faith in God. Following a nice relaxing walk on Piazzale Michelangelo where I found a very nice tourist lady and as you can see my new friend Pinocchio!

Hope you enjoy the photos.

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bambini firenze

kids travel firenze


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milton-firenze kids jewelry

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firenze piazzale michelangelo

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amazing Florence

Città di Firenze


love pinocchio firenze

pinocchio piazzale Michelangelo

kids jewelry Firenze

me and Pinocchio

love Pinocchio Firenze

diamante shoes diamantino scarpe

bonprix dress

bonprix dress

bonprix dress

love kids travel

In case you wonder… 🙂

My dress is from BONPRIX Kids:

My beautiful multicolor glitter shoes from DIAMANTE:

My gorgeous cameo necklace proudly worn from MILTON-FIRENZE mother daughter limited edition:

Till next time!